The science slam organised by LuxDoc asbl is similar to a classical poetry slam, with the difference that the content of the various presentations is of an academic nature and must be part of an ongoing PhD dissertation or other academic research.

Participants from all academic fields are welcome as the organisers wish to show the richness and attractiveness of academic research. The contestants have 10 minutes each to present their academic work to a large audience. The way the contestants choose to perform is not predefined. Each participant can freely choose how to present his/her work: recite a poem, rap, sing, paint, or even dance. The only requirement is to provide a comprehensive overview of the research in a fun, ente1taining and non-scientific way.

Three moderators lead through the evening in three different languages and coordinate as weil as motivate the audience and the contestants. In order to access a larger audience, the contestants may choose to deliver their presentation in English, French, German and Luxembourgish. All contestants have as their only tool or help the audio-visual equipment offered by the organisers as well as the equipment they bring. At the end of all the performances, the audience votes for the three winners through voting bulletins. The winners are awarded with prices sponsored by LuxDoc asbl. The evening ends with a possible informal exchange between the audience and the participants who are invited to answer all questions relevant to their academic work as weil as their curriculum.

Results and Outcome

The first LuxDoc Science Siam in October 2012 has achieved the main objectives as outlined in the event proposal. The organisers can safely claim that the event was a success. The venue was fully booked; around 90 people attended the slam. Thanks to a broad advertisement campaign, LuxDoc was able to attract both an academic and a non-academic audience. Approximately half of the attendants were non-scientific who hears about the event through media and other advertisement channels„ During the informal break, many members of the audience expressed their positive feedback about the science slam and highlighted the value of presenting academic research in such an entertaining way. Over the past years, the LuxDoc Science Slam became the place to be!



The results and positive outcomes relate to several different aspects:

  • Promotion of scientific culture and research to a non-scientific audience
  • Promotion of LuxDoc and enhancement of the visibility of PhD candidates
  • and young researchers
  • Contribution to the development of the local cultural scene, by proposing a relatively new
    form of cultural event and by collaborating with the Casino - Forum d' Art Contemporain,
Dein Projekt online!

Du hast ein wissenschaftliches Projekt gemacht und willst es mit der Welt teilen? Dann veröffentliche dein Projekt auf Science. Egal ob naturkundliche Entdeckungsreise oder Experiment! Mehr Infos hier:   

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