The 6th episode of Take Off is all about geography - but don't worry, you don't have to know any capitals here! Instead you'll have to find the geographical center of Luxembourg.
The 5th episode of the Take Off Science Challenge show is all about space - and all the exciting things that happen there. Will you be able to analyse the images from a Sentinel-2 satellite?
In the second episode of the Take Off Science Challenge Show, patience and logic were required. One of the challenges was to solve a maze game - can you do it? Test yourself!
This Sunday, the 2nd season of Take Off kicks off! With new participants and three exciting challenges! But what about you – would you be able to solve this challenge?
Three researchers from Luxembourg convince the jury with their articles about pesticides, historical research and artificial intelligence. Find out more about the winners and the winning texts.
Air, water, earth, even ourselves—lately, it seems that scientists find pesticides everywhere they look for, as if they were pests. Is Luxembourg an exception? Spoiler alert: it is not.
You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs. But what makes you think that the next egg you crack will not be rotten? In this simple idea lies the weakness of AI and science.
Comment passionner les jeunes pour la science complexe et abstraite des mathématiques ? En les laissant devenir acteurs de l’expérience. Ann Kiefer, de l’Université du Luxembourg, nous explique.
Grâce à l'application pour smartphone Bloomin' Algae, tout le monde au Luxembourg peut aider les scientifiques du LIST à détecter des proliférations de cyanobactériespotentiellement dangereuses.
Envie de mettre à l’épreuve vos compétences en matière de vulgarisation scientifique ? Alors participez au concours "Science Writing Competition" en rédigeant un article sur la recherche.
Cet automne, six scientifiques pourront à nouveau monter sur scène pour parler de leur recherche de manière divertissante. Le vainqueur de l'édition 2023 était le doctorand Juan Aguilar.
À l'occasion des élections européennes, l'étude POLINDEX 2024 a dressé un tableau actuel des préoccupations, des opinions politiques et des motivations électorales des habitants au Luxembourg.